San Bernardino Area
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber Events
Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting & Sunset Soiree:
12th Annual Rendezvous back to Route 66 - October 11th, 2025
Quick Quack Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
On March 18, 2025, the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce proudly hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony and VIP event at Quick Quack Car Wash, located at 3902 N Shandin Hills Dr, San Bernardino, CA 92407. This memorable occasion celebrated the addition of a modern, eco-friendly car wash facility to the community, highlighting its potential for supporting local growth and enhancing services in the area. The event brought together business leaders, Chamber members, and residents in a shared spirit of excitement and camaraderie, making it a wonderful day for the city of San Bernardino.

Welcome New Members
The Wolf's Den Training Facility
Sam's Club
United States Army Recruiting Station - San Bernardino

Click on the Link below to read this weeks Chamber Announcements & Tidd Bits

Joining the local Chamber of Commerce is a strategic move for any business looking to thrive. It’s not just about networking; it’s about being part of a collective voice that advocates for pro-business policies at the local, state, and national levels. Membership opens doors and community involvement initiatives that can elevate your brand’s visibility and credibility. Don’t miss the chance to be part of a dynamic community that can propel your business forward.
San Bernardino Chamber: Gateway to Business Success
The San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce is an active and membership-driven organization that provides strong leadership in serving the interests of San Bernardino businesses. The Chamber supports the inter-relationship between the business, civic, and educational communities.
Additionally, the San Bernardino Area Chamber of Commerce promotes the local economy by encouraging its members and San Bernardino residents to shop locally. All referrals given out by the Chamber are to its members.
The Chamber values the businesses in San Bernardino and actively helps new and current businesses to relocate and expand within the city. Moreover, it is dedicated to supporting and enhancing the prosperity, civic strength, and general well-being of the San Bernardino business community.