The Housing Division utilizes funds for a variety of different capital improvement projects throughout the City. Below are projects that have been completed with CDBG funds:
Phase 2 - Pool Plastering and Related Renovations:
Phase 2 of the Pool Plaster & Related Renovations projects were focused on 8 different pools: 3 pools at the Jerry Lewis Family Swim Center, 2 pools at the Nunez Park, the main pool at the Rudy Hernandez Community Center, the main pool at the Delmann Heights Park and the main pool at Mill Park. Funds were used to repair and replace the existing pool plaster at 5 different park pools. The pools were re-plastered and replaced to ensure safety for the over 6,500 visitors for open swim and 250 learn-to-swim youths.
Park Equipment Replacement:
The Park Equipment Replacement project focused on the removal and replacement of six (6) existing park playground equipment. The parks that had equipment removed and replaces were: Jack Reilly Park, Gutierrez Field, Delmann Heights Park, and Encanto Park. The new playground equipment features integrated shade systems, stainless steel slides that were used in an effort to avoid damage due to vandalism, and a rubber tile safety surfacing system was installed to provide protection from falls. All new units have the latest ADA compliant features. Each playground has a projected life-span of 10 to 15 years depending on exposure to the various weather conditions.
Secombe Lake & Perris Hill:
The Secommbe Lake and Perris Hill project was initiated to enhance use, safety and accessibility of the park to persons with disabilities. The City rehabilitated restroom facilities to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements and installed security fencing around the baseball field. Additionally, CDBG funds paid for the installation of approximately 970 lineal feet of 8 foot high ornamental security fencing at the opening of Franklin D. Roosevelt bowl.
Jerry Lewis Shade Structure:

The Jerry Lewis Shade Structure project improved the experience for all swim center patrons by providing much needed shade during swim season. CDBG funds were used to install a new cantilevered shade structure at the swim center. This project enhanced the health and safety of Jerry Lewis Swim Center patrons.
Feldheym Library Chiller:

The Feldheym Library Chiller project replaced and removed the old inefficient, unreliable chiller plant that was constantly down for service. The chiller plant improved and expanded existing community facility and infrastructure to meet current and future needs of the San Bernardino community.
Street & Sidewalk Improvements:
The Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project rehabilitated curbs in various locations throughout the City in order to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This allows all individuals to have equal access to streets and sidewalks throughout the City. Funds paid for a contractor to design and implement the curb ramps, which also included the purchase, and installation of material.