Sister Cities Of San Bernardino
Listed by year of affiliation: (Dates shown reflect when Mayor and Council took action to affiliate with respective cities listed.)
1959 Tachikawa,
Tokyo Metropolitan Government,
Japan (December 14)
Our sister affiliation with Tachikawa, Japan is the oldest of our relationships and is the program that is active and nearing its 50th anniversary.

1968 Mexicali, Baja California,Mexico (January 22)

1971 Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico(March 8)
1973 Tauranga District, New Zealand (August 3)
2003 Goyang City, Gyeonggi
Province, Republic of Korea
1981 Ile Ife, Nigeria (January 5)
1985 Herzliya, Israel (February 4)
1990 Roxas, Capiz Province, Philippines (March 19)
1992 Zavolzhije, Nizhegorodskaya Oblasd, Russia (October 19)
1993 Yushu-Gilin Province, People's Republic of China (August 16)
2000 Kigali Prefecture, Rwanda (September 18)