The City of San Bernardino Public Works Department has four divisions: Administration, Engineering, Facilities and Fleet Maintenance, and Operations & Maintenance:
Operations & Maintenance Division
Our O&M team is responsible for maintaining the upkeep of City-owned property such as roads (i.e., potholes), sidewalks, trees, parkways, medians, maintenance boxes, storm drains (not sewer), street signs, traffic signals, weed abatement, and public parks. They repair potholes, remove downed trees, and cleanup after major storms and public areas where flooding has occurred. They also manage administration of Landscape Maintenance Districts (LMDs) service contracts. They do not maintain freeways and freeway intersections run by Caltrans. They do not service electrical poles owned by SoCal Edison.
Do you find graffiti on a wall? A broken streetlight?
Potholes after a heavy rain? Report it using the GO SBCity App!

Environmental Projects
Our staff aims to reduce solid waste disposal to landfills through source reduction, re-use, and recycling programs. The people in this group are responsible for Integrated Waste Management which includes administering and monitoring the exclusive franchise agreement with Burrtec Waste Industries. Burrtec is the City’s sole provider of solid waste management services including collection services to residential and commercial customers for refuse, recyclable, and green waste, as well as contracted street sweeping services. The division also coordinates waste reduction, pollution prevent, State recycling mandates (such as SB1383) and sustainable community initiatives and programming for San Bernardino government facilities, schools, businesses, and residents within the City.

For general trash collection and street sweeping inquiries,
please contact Burrtec Customer Service at:
Fax: 909-889-3710
***The City of San Bernardino does not retain information regarding individual accounts or payments. Please call the Burrtec Customer Service number if you experience any disruptions in service.***
Environmental Projects/Integrated
Waste Offices
Phone: 909-384-5019
Fax: 909-384-5190
Engineering Division
This team of engineers control planning, design and project management of the City's five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). It prepares and updates the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and other Federal Funding Programs. They are responsible for all of the contracts and construction projects that use public funds and manage permits. This division also handles the inspection and supervise construction and maintenance projects with contractors for items such as street vacations, storm drains, traffic signals, easements, CFD annexations, assessment districts, and more.
Engineering Division Offices
Main: 909-384-5019
Land Development: Please request to speak to someone in Land Development
Permits (encroachment, oversized loads, etc): Please ask for the permit counter
Fax: 909-384-5190
Request for Bids & RFPs
Permit Information
Facilities and Fleet Maintenance Division
This division is responsible for City facilities maintenance and custodial services as well as the acquisition and maintenance of City fleet vehicles and equipment. It also operates and maintains the diesel, unleaded gas, compresses natural gas (CNG), and liquid natural gas (LNG) fueling station. The CNG station is available to other government agencies and the public.
This small group is composed of upper management level staff that oversee the operations of all other divisions within the Public Works department.
Phone: 909-384-5140
Fax: 909-384-5190