Administrative Hearing Decision, Order and Report (Exhibit A)


Effective April 1 2016, the City of San Bernardino passed Ordinance No. MC-1431 allowing liens to be placed on properties that have past due solid waste bills. This Ordinance also makes property owners ultimately responsible for solid waste bills generated by their tenants.  Once accounts become 45 days delinquent, owners and tenants are sent a notification letter by mail and account balance will be placed on the property tax rolls any amount owning would then become a lien on the property. Delinquent and unpaid charges will include a 10% penalty and a 1.5 % monthly interest are added to any lien amount before the lien is placed with the County of San Bernardino.

Owners/ tenants can make payments to the property, in full can be made directly to the Burrtec up until mid-August of each year.  In August of each year any unpaid liens will be assessed on the property taxes.  Once your property tax bill has been assessed, payment of the lien may only be made with your property tax bill.  If you are selling or refinancing your home, ask your mortgage company please contact County of San Bernardino County Recorders office.


Administrative Hearing Decision and Order 


Administrative Hearing Report (Exhibit A)