Creative Corps Grant



The City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services received funding through the Arts Council - Creative Corps Inland SoCal grant to employ local organizations, artists and/or culture bearers for the design and installation of a mural at two locations:

  • Encanto Community Center - East Entrance Adjacent Exterior Wall - 1180 W 9th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92411
  • Rudy C. Hernandez Community Center - Exterior Northwest Convex Corner Walls - 222 N Lugo Avenue, San Bernardino, CA 92408

Funding considerations will be for approved proposed mural projects only; murals shall be painted by the grantee; no graphic wrap proposals will be accepted. The maximum funding per organization/individual will be $20,000. Applicants who have received Arts Council Creative Corps grant award funding for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 are disqualified and not eligible to apply for grant award funding for this application period. San Bernardino City residents will be given priority in selection.

Mural proposals must relate to one of the following categories to be eligible for funding consideration:

  1. Public health awareness and pandemic recovery
  2. Public awareness related to water and energy conservation, climate mitigation, and emergency preparedness, relief and recovery
  3. Awareness of civic engagement and election participation
  4. Community engagement and awareness around social justice

If you have any application inquiries, please email April Flores-Cooper at [email protected]


Nine (9) sets of the completed application, along with color mural rendering must be submitted to the Arts and Historical Preservation Commission at the City of San Bernardino Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department MAIN OFFICE no later than 4:50pm on October 30, 2023.

  • Mailed submissions must arrive by October 30, 2023.