San Bernardino Says Goodbye to the Carousel Mall
On Monday, April 24, San Bernardino residents gathered to visit the Carousel Mall one last time before it is demolished.
For many, it was the end of an era. Some told stories of having their first date with their spouse at the mall. For others, it was where they had their first job. And others recounted riding the carousel as children or taking their children to ride the carousel when they were young. Everyone had a story.
The Mall will be systematically demolished over the coming months. Having been closed for the past six years, the Mall has fallen victim to scavengers, homeless individuals, and fires, causing it to become a health and safety issue.
While bittersweet, many of the attendees were excited about what the future held for the 43 acre property. New housing. New affordable housing. New commercial and office development. A catalyst for more development downtown.
But on Monday, it was about the memories. Some of the estimated 175 attendees sang while the Mayor and Council Members symbolically swung sledgehammers against a concrete planter. What was left of the planter quickly became a sentimental memento for a number of the guests.