City Conducts Encampment
Cleanup at Wildwood Park
On Thursday, December 5, San Bernardino Public Works crews, accompanied by the San Bernardino Housing and Homelessness Division staff, Police Officers, and staff from the Salvation Army, helped to clear the 25 homeless encampments at Wildwood Park, located at 536 East 40th Street.
This operation marks the second encampment cleanup since a U.S. Federal Court lifted an injunction against the City that prohibited encampment cleanups. On November 14, Perris Hill Park was cleared and closed for cleaning, repairs, and rehabilitation.
The Wildwood Park operation followed nearly two weeks of outreach, in which the park residents were visited by City, County, and non-profit outreach workers seeking to connect them with services and housing opportunities.
In addition to the outreach, advance notice was given that the park cleanup would take place on December 5.
At the cleanup, staff assisted the remaining individuals to determine which items they would take with them, which items were trash, and which items they desired to have the City store for them for up to 90 days.
Quite a few of the individual residents were willing to accept services offered by the City, County, and non-profit partners, including the Salvation Army.
The City of San Bernardino has announced that additional encampment cleanups at City parks will continue in the near future.
As for Wildwood Park, it's looking great!