Public Works "Tiger Team" Spruces up Nunez Park
This week, the City of San Bernardino Public Works "Tiger Team" descended upon Nunez Park to provide some needed repairs and upgrades to the facility.
In less than one day, the bleachers were touched up with paint, all utility poles and light poles were painted, new trash cans were installed, decorative rock was added to landscape beds, trees were planted, and a general clean-up of the area took place.
More upgrades will be coming next week to some of the turf areas (which will be converted to drought-tolerant landscaping) and a muralist will be adding some vibrant art as well.
The "Tiger Team" is part of the Operations and Maintenance Division of the Public Works Department. It is led by the City’s Downtown Beautification team along with members of the City graffiti removal crew.
Below are some pictures of the crews at work, along with some of the finished product.