Streetlights Return to Brighten
Two San Bernardino Neighborhoods
This month, the City of San Bernardino has installed approximately 96 streetlights to two neighborhoods in the northern part of the City.
San Bernardino Public Works crews activated the last set of lights this week, bringing a new walkability and sense of security to area residents.
“Some of these streets have been without lighting for several years,” said City of San Bernardino Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer Azzam Jabsheh. “Restoring lighting makes a huge difference to our neighborhoods and is a priority for us.”
The ”Genevieve” Circuit, located between Mountain View Avenue and Sierra Way from Marshall Boulevard to 34th Street, included 36 lights and poles.
The “Ralston” Circuit includes portions of Sierra Way, Ralston Avenue, Palmyra Avenue, Lugo Avenue, Belle Street, Sonora Drive, and 39th Street near Waterman Avenue. 60 new lights and poles were installed.
Measure S funds were used for this project.
Jabsheh added that the City Council recently approved $1.5 million in addition to a $250,000 grant from the U.S Department of Energy to upgrade approximately 500 streetlights across the City to solar power to reduce lighting costs and eliminate the risk of copper wire theft.