City of San Bernardino Planning Receives Merit Award from American Planning Association
The American Planning Association California Chapter-Inland Empire Section hosted their 2023 Awards Dinner this May where they distributed award nominations for various categories. One of the categories was Transportation Planning. The City of San Bernardino submitted a plan known as the Active Transportation Plan and was nominated for a Merit Award.

The San Bernardino Active Transportation Plan involved expanding outreach efforts, future improvements to access, and developing bicycle and active transportation networks to foster more connectivity amongst the City. The goal of the plan is to create a more walkable and bikeable future for residents through categories such as local access & mobility, safety and health & environment.
The City of San Bernardino was selected and received the Merit Award in the Transportation Planning category for the Inland Empire Section American Planning Association Awards. Award winners are eligible to move forward to the American Planning Association California awards for possible recognition at the state level.

For more information on the Active Transportation Plan (ATP) visit www.sbcity.org/sbatp