You will be asked a series of questions to help us classify your report. Answering these questions will allow our reporting system to configure your online report with the necessary information that we need to document your incident.
After your report is submitted it must be reviewed (just like an officer's report is reviewed when he/she submits it). The reviewer will check the report to see if you provided enough information to establish the elements of the crime. The reviewer will also look for other minor errors that might delay the processing of your report. If there are problems, the reviewer will communicate with you by email. You might be asked to add information or make corrections to the report before resubmitting it.
While your report is in the review process we use a "temporary number" to find the report and track its progress. This "temporary number" is not a "report number." We do not retain these temporary numbers and they do not replace an actual report number. When your report is approved, a "report number" is assigned to it. At that time, we send you an email with the permanent "report number" for your records. We retain all of our reports and file them by the "report number."