Please allow us to remind everyone who files an online report to consider the following information:
California Penal Code Section 148.5 makes it a crime to
- Make a false report of a crime (when no crime actually occurred).
- Use a false name or identity.
- Provide false details or information about the incident.
- Make a false report of theft or damage.
- Knowingly mis-state true value of items stolen or damaged.

Using a false name or using someone else's identity: Knowingly giving a false name to police or using the identity of someone else on any police report, other official or financial report is a crime, a Felony under Penal Code Section 529.

False reports for insurance claims: If the police report is made or required for filing an insurance claim, knowingly providing false information, including a false report of a theft or loss, false report of damage or false value of insured property, it is considered insurance fraud. The false report will be prosecuted as Felony insurance fraud under Penal Code Section 550.